Vaccine Clinic
Vaccine Clinic Grand RE-Opening: May 15th, 2024!
OAR’s Vaccine Clinic provides affordable vaccinations, microchips, & parasite prevention for cats ages 6 weeks and up!
The Vaccine Clinic is open Wednesdays, from 9AM until 1PM. An appointment is encourage, but walk-ins are welcome!
To visit our vaccine clinic, cats should be friendly (we cannot see “spicy” or feral cats for Vaccine Clinic).
Cats should also be healthy! We cannot diagnose or treat illness or injuries at Vaccine Clinic. Sick or injured pets should be seen by a full-service veterinarian for care.
If you would like to bring more than one cat to the Vaccine Clinic, call us today at 513-871-0185. Our staff will help find the perfect time slot for up to 4 cats.